Creativity Practice x6: Themes and Practices so Far
“It’s easier to be creative if you’ve got other people to play with.”- John Cleese
Not our question: “How does creativity work?”
I’m glad that there are people who take the question very seriously, but that’s not what Creativity Practice is about.
In these sessions, we’re not going to try to explain creativity. No one is going to try to teach it. This is practice, so we’re going to try things, sometimes together and sometimes on our own. We’ll try on different lenses, informed by perspectives and provocations through audio and video from many different voices. And we’ll share results, celebrate outcomes and I-didn’t-even-tries, and generally be in the sandbox together for six sessions over twelve weeks.
Work in progress: how I’m thinking about themes and practices
I have vivid memories of playing in the sandbox growing up. Well, not a box. It was a huge tractor tire turned on its side and filled with sand. And it was great. When I played on my own I simply did whatever I did. There was no plan, no expected outcome. The same was true when I played with my brother or my friend Andy. But when we played together there was usually agreement on some kind of basic theme. “It’s soldiers and dinosaurs with firecrackers.”
Likewise for these sessions we need just a little theme or structure to allow us to explore and try things together. I’ve been thinking about a series of themes, and thought I’d share what they look like so far.
Possible probable themes (feedback welcome)
1. Recovering flow: practicing judgment-free expression
2. First we see – practicing open attention
3. Shifting our source – practice drawing from places other than “figuring it out”
4. I’m torn between…
Recovering play – practicing… well, play!
I think we’ll be doing that as a running practice through the whole thing. So I’m thinking to
use session 4 for a weightier theme:
Shadow and loss as creative source – practicing a generative relationship with the dark
5. Editing and iteration – practice that draws us into discoveries that lie in the details; moving between open and closed modes
6. A succotash of difficulties – working with stuff that gets in the way
We can navigate our priorities together as we go. I’m happy to dance with what shows up among us (though I feel strongly about the first few themes, and am preparing accordingly).
Details and sign-up
See the original announcement for more details about this series, including schedule and prices.
Sessions will start the week of January 8, 2024. We’re thinking to meet every other week, and will poll the group to find a workable time for all.
We’ll meet on Zoom (or something like it), but already there is a possibility of local meet-ups among people who live in the same city.