Session 5: "Process?"
It’s barebones at the moment folks. Introduction and transcript are forthcoming!
Listen to the audio mixtape
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00:00 Introduction
02:12 Introducing Kyna Leski
03:04 Kyna Leski introduces “The storm of creativity”
04:34 Marc reads an extract from Leski’s book
12:24 Introducing Jessica Abel and her podcast
14:08 Out on the Wire Podcast, Episode 7: The Dark Forest
47:51 A summary of ideas, and an exercise: working with idea debt
Sources and resources
Kyna Leski
Book: The Storm of Creativity
Lecture from which her introduction was taken
Jessica Abel
Jessica’s Creative Focus Workshop
Tim Urban
Tim’s procrastination series
Why procrastinators procrastinate
How to beat procrastination
The procrastination matrix